On Parliamentary War: Partisan Conflict and Procedural Change in the U.S. Senate (paperback edition with a new preface) BooksJames WallnerSeptember 22, 2020SenateComment
Forcing Votes White PapersJames WallnerNovember 1, 2018Senate, Motion to Proceed, Third-Degree Amendments, Amendment ProcessComment
Historical Development of the Senate's Amendment Process White PapersJames WallnerSeptember 1, 2017Senate, Amendment ProcessComment
Deliberative No Longer: The Eclipse of the Intended Role of the U.S. Senate Journal ArticleJames WallnerJanuary 7, 2014Senate, DeliberationComment
The Death of Deliberation: Party and Procedure in the Modern United States Senate Book ChaptersJames WallnerNovember 8, 2012Senate, DeliberationComment